Brandon Griffin

I’m a ScientistStorytellerData Analyst

About me

Get to know me

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Who am i?

I'm Brandon Griffin, a Data Analyst and Data Scientist

Happily transplanted to the SF Bay Area as a STEM researcher, I have been visualizing and extracting key insights from complex data sets for over 5 years. I help convert concepts and expertise into well-functioning products. My preference for data-driven solutions originated at a young age, when a report from a DNA test explained exactly where the color of my skin and eyes came from. Never once were my speculations correct, instilling a long-lasting respect for unbiased data.

Whether in the office or on the road, I enjoy working with others. I have performed data analysis in research facilities across the world, co-authoring several peer-reviewed journal publications as a direct result, while concurrently raising over $120,000 for local charities through participation in amateur team cycling events. As a dedicated road cyclist, my intrigue for challenge shines through in my pursuit of steep elevation. I'm not afraid of a little sweat and have confidence that the view from the top is worth the struggle.

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My Services

Services i offer to my clients

Analytics Dashboarding

Experience designing, building, and deploying web applications for research and performance optimization. I enjoy working with Plotly-Dash, Tableau, Heroku, and Streamlit.

Statistical Modeling

Hypothesis(A/B) testing via statistical inference. Linear and non-linear distribution analysis and modeling. Some favorite Python libraries include SciPy and Statsmodels.

Machine Learning

Experience extracting insight through application of both supervised (regression/classification) and unsupervised (clustering) ML algorithms via Scikit-learn, TensorFlow, and NLTK.

Workflow Automation

Reduced workload by developing Python scripts to handle redundant tasks. Some examples include building pipelines for model tuning via GridSearch, management of data from multiple sources, and pre-processing of new data for integration into existing models.

Relational Databases

MySQL & PostgreSQL, extracting and preparing data for adhoc and standardized reporting. HackerRank verified: SQL(Intermediate) Certificate LinkedIn Learning: Advanced SQL for Data Scientists.

Quantitative Analysis

Completion of graduate-level math courses in calculus, partial differential equations, linear algebra, statistical mechanics & probability theory.

Let's make a difference!

I am excited to share I joined the team at as a Business Intelligence Analyst.


What my clients think about me

My Blog

Check out my latest blog posts

Blog post
Designing Data Visualizations

In this post I talk about how I built an analytics dashboard for a research group at Berkeley Lab, using only Python.

Blog post
My Data Science Bootcamp

General Assembly runs a tight ship. The program is rigorous, covering a diverse assortment of selected topics in the field of Data Science ranging from command line and shell scripting to web scraping and API request handling.

Blog post
How I became a Data Scientist

The Sunday before last was my fabulous final shift, as a food server, on the historic sidewalks of San Francisco’s Castro District.

Get in Touch

Feel free to contact me anytime